martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007


martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007
Frases recopiladas al azar en mis días de ocio por Internet.

Hey God, are you there? It's me, ____. I'm writing to inform you about how displeased I am with the services you claim to provide.

The best thing you can do to win that special one's heart is to let go of seeking his or her approval.

Some people are just born miserable. Something down at the deepest core that keeps them from ever being happy. Kind of tragic, but its the way of the world.

Sometimes, motion is the only thing that keeps us alive

Copying from one person is plagiarism...copying from a lot of people is research.

No intentes actúar o disimular.

¿Qué vas a hacer cuando descubras que eres artificial? Suplicarás no sea tan duro el golpe con la realidad.

Una galleta a quien sepa de quién son las últimas dos citas XD.

Now playing: The Rocket Summer - Do You Feel
via FoxyTunes

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