Ya casi se acaban las vacaciones y a falta de cosas que hacer estoy en un maratón de RPGs que no había terminado (y preparándome para FFIV). Estoy ocupado con Super Paper Mario, Final Fantasy Tactics: A2 e Eternal Sonata. Este último lo acabo de terminar y um.. está bastante raro para ser sincero.
No leer este párrafo a menos que te interese la historia
Tiene una trama muy rara que no se descubre hasta al final, aunque a la mitad del juego se alude a los viajes en el tiempo y repeticion de acciones (las piedras del mar, los amuletos de la mala suerte, la viejita, etc). En fin, la historia no importa porque nadie lo ha jugado, si acaso solo espero un comentario de mi prima para discutirlo :O. Also, Polka = Emilia Chopin, Allegretto = Frederic Chopin.
A lo que iba es a hacer una lista de las frases que se dicen al final del juego. Este (literal) bombardeo de enunciados son cosas que se dijeron durante todo el juego que pretenden hacer reflexionar al jugador. Aquí está:
Nota 1: Las frases entre guiones son interpretaciones/temas de lo que hablan los personajes.
Nota 2: La lista la acorté un poco porque no alcancé a escribir algunas cosas:
Polka: It's ok, there's a place out there where I'm needed.
Polka: No one wants to touch someone like me. Someone who use magic... because they might get sick too.
Beat: Of course the bread you're eating is much more imporant than the bread of a stranger. But wait, how is it different? (It's not).
-De los eventos memorables y las fotografías-
Allegretto: Can a picture taken through a bent piece of glass called the lens, really, accurately reflect what happens at a single moment in time? It seems to me that your eyes would have to be pretty bent themselves for that to be possible.
-Los escapes fáciles traen consecuencias graves-
Viola: ...Something that people think it's useful but can actually be harmful in the long run? Hm...
Polka: I think everyone knows deep down that some things that might seem useful to us right now could actually be hiding a danger to the future, and yet there are many people out there who simply refuse to accept that. Are people really so foolish that they're unable to sacrifice the little conveniences for the sake of the future?
-Hay que pensar primero...-
Viola: If people are too deeply involved in a problem. Is it really not possible for them to realize what's wrong until it's too late to do anything about it?
-La humanidad-
Falsetto: A lifetime to build, a moment to destroy. Will human beings ever become masters of creation or are we destined for destruction?
-Las apariencias-
Claves: I was acting up a part, up until the moment I died. Do you wish to spend your life pretending to be someone you're not?
-El egoísmo-
Jazz: Without realizing it, people tend to act in ways that suit their own interests and before they know it, they've turned all their efforts to show how powerful or successful they can become. It couldn't always have been like that. Things must've been different in the beginning. Try to remember the feelings you had when you first started out.
Polka: All around us, the world is fading at an incredible rate, yet we choose what we like to see. Wouldn't it be better to do something about it?
-La confianza-
Polka: Can't we make better use of the energy we've spent maintaining our feelings of mistrust? There must be a way. If we could all do that somehow, I think it could become much easier to live a life full of light.
-Voluntad y seguridad-
Falsetto: When I realized I had no hope of beating Claves, I ran away. What about you? Are you like me? Do you run away from situations you know you can't win, too?
-Las vueltas de la vida-
Polka: I believe that the future holds infinite hope for all of us. So no matter how slim the chance, I always try to hold to that hope. I'd never give up on something without at least trying. What about you? What would've you done in my place? Would you still draw a fortune if you knew what's it going to say?
Serenade: Suppose you could not know whether or not there's ground behind you. Knowing that, would you still have the courage to take a step backwards? At certain times in life, does it not take much more courage to take a step back than to take a step forward?
-Empatía con el mundo-
Polka: If you live with your eyes closed, to whatever's too difficult to face... does that mean those things don't exist?
Frederic: Death is a reality that is far too real.
-Todavía hay tiempo-
Allegretto: You can't just sit back and accept a destiny like death. You have to fight back, resist, try as hard as you can. After all, that's what life is all about, isn't it?
Beat: You can't give up until it's really absolutely the very end. Until then, you gotta try to do whatever you can. I guarantee you still have time.
Claves: That's right, you still have time.
Salsa: Absolutely, now is when it really begins.
March: Just take a moment to study yourself.
Polka: I know what it feels like to have a future filled with doubt, to feel overwhelmed, to think it's all over. You wanna give up on everything. But there's no use just thinking about it, you can't hesitate, you need to act upon it. Since in the end, all you can do is try as hard as you can.
Allegretto: You dont' have to rush, there's still time. You have infinite potential after all. I promise you, even now, you can still do it. All you have do is try the best you can. I guarantee you still have time.
Hace 13 años
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